Thursday, September 27, 2012

what it means not to talk in class

It is actually very important not to talk in class, whether us students like to believe it or not. If you talk during a presentation of a student or a teacher's lecture it is disrespectful. STudents work hard to present in front of a class. Someone might also be nervous to speak in front of a class, and when students talk it might make them even more nervous. Teachers also work hard to speak in front of  class. That is their job. They spend a lot of time preparing for a class. When students talk while a teacher is teaching they can feel disrespected. That is why teachers get so mad when students are talking during their class. Some teachers feel like their time is being wasted. Some teachers think that they are interrupting the students conversation.

In elementary school when we would talk in class, the teacher would call our parents. Whenever my parents got a phone call from the school I would always be in a bunch of trouble. My mom always said that is was being disrespectful and that I should always respect my teachers. We were taught to not talk in class at a young age. My second grade teacher Ms. Spriggs  said that our conversation wait. We could always continue our conversation after class, but during class it has to stop.

I always thought it was okay to talk during class and long as your not loud and purposely trying to be disrespectful. I always thought a little whisper couldn't hurt. Especially, if I was confused about something that was being taught. I would always just ask my neighbor or the person sitting beside me. Every time I got in trouble in class the teacher knew I was not trying to be disrespectful. They always told me that if I had a question I should raise my hand.

Teachers also think that when a student or students are talking in class then he or she is not learning what is being taught. If your talking then there is not a possible way you could be listening to what the teacher is saying at the same time. Unless you are multitasking. But teachers don't want students to multitask. They one students to do one thing and one thing only which is listen to the teacher.

Coaches of teams say that how you practice is how you will play in the game. Teachers are preparing us for the real world. When we are in class we are learning, but we are also learning to be respectful and no to talk while others are talking. When we get a job and have meetings, we will not be able to hold side conversations. We will not be able to whisper. We will just have to sit there and listen. If we are disrespectful to our boss, we can possibly lose a job. Which can cause other huge problems in life. So practicing to be quiet during class can benefit each and every one of us in the long run. We will not only learn more, but we will also learn how to act in the setting of the work world.

When I was in middle school, our disciplinary actions were a little bit different. If we got in trouble talking in class we would have to write I will not talk in class 200 times. I used to hate this, because I would get hand cramps. I never thought that it would help me learn anything either. I thought it was a stupid punishment. The truth is and I hate to admit it. I did learn from it. Because of that punishment I did not talk in class only because I did not want to write all of that for homework. If we kept talking we would get a demerit sent home to our parents and then it would be a detention. Everybody has their own disciplinary actions for talking in class, but no teacher likes it. Now in my senior year of high school we still get in trouble for talking in class. My homework for tonight was to write a seven hundred and fifty word essay on why it is important to not talk in class. As we get older our punishments get more serious, because it is more important. Our time is coming. Soon this generation will the world and we will not be able to do that if we are uneducated and chitter chatter all the time. If we pay attention in class we will be educated, and if we just focus we will not be talking all the time. If you want to be somebody and you want to go somewhere you better wake up and pay attention. You will get nowhere if talking is your hobby.

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