Monday, September 24, 2012


     The insect I have chosen to wonder about is a butterfly. I wonder if butterflies actually have real lives like humans or do they just fly around. I think that butterflies have their own world and systems. As adult butterflies, they probably have to continuously fly around, while their kids stay in their cocoon. They probably look at humans as dangerous animals. They probably think they run the world, just as us humans do.

     When I was six years old I used to wonder all the time. I was always thinking about something. I was interested to know everything. My process of thinking was to compare everything to myself and how I live. For example, I always wondered if a dogs bark is their own language or when birds chirp are they actually speaking to each other. I actually never found out the answer to that. I still have the same wondering process as when I was six. I would have approached this question the same way. I compare everything to the way I live, because the way I live is the only way I know.

     As most people get older they lose their imagination and stop wondering about things. I think this happens, because we start to get more intelligent. At the age of six or younger we would think of anything and sometimes it wouldn't make sense. As we got older we went to school and were taught many thinks, which made us lose most of our imagination. For example, I no longer believe in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, and unicorns. I don't believe in these things anymore, because I have learned that these things were apart of my imagination and do no exist.

     St. Gregory of Nyssa said, "Concepts create idols, only wonder knows.". I think this means that when we hear something we start to wonder about it and start to practice it and believe it. As i look at this quote it is true to my experiences. In my mind Santa Claus was real until somebody told me he wasn't. I also believed in Santa Claus, because somebody led me to believe it. The truth is our knowledge comes from each other, so who are we to say who is right. Therefore, we should not stop imagining and wondering.


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