Sunday, September 30, 2012


The story Cathedral has three main characters in it. Robert, who was blind, the narrator and the narrators wife. The wife used to work for the blind man. She used to read to him, but they had a special connection. The husband knew about this special connection, but did not understand it. His wife writes poems only about things that are important to her. She wrote a poem about the day that the narrator touched her face. The narrators wife died and he was coming to visit the narrators wife, because he was in town. The narrator did not want Robert to be in his house. By the end of the story, Robert helped the narrator draw something with his eyes closed. The narrator could finally see things in his perspective.

1. The narrator was not looking forward to the visit of the blind man, because the blind man and his wife had some connection that he did not understand. His wife used to work for the blind man. She would read to him. The narrators wife writes poems of special moments. She wrote a poem about when the blind man touched her face. The narrator did not know why this was so important and did not want the blind man in his house. This shows that the narrator is a jealous type

2. You can tell that the narrators wife just wants to be noticed by a man, because of her suicide attempt. She used to be married to an Air Force Officer. She didn't like that she had to keep moving from place to place and started to feel lonely. So, she attempted to kill herself by swallowing a lot of pills. But, when the blind man touched her face she didn't feel lonely. She felt like she was seen and noticed by him even though he was blind.

3. If your friend has a friend, then you should be nice to his or her friend, it is a sign of respect. That is what is means to receive another's friend. That is how the narrators wife felt when the blind man was coming to visit and her husband didn't want him there. She just wanted everyone to feel comfortable.

4. Yes, I do think Robert saw his wife Beulah. He might not have seen exactly what she looked like, but he saw something. He saw his perspective of her, which in this story is what it means to be seen. To be seen  is what you look like in someone else's eyes.

5. The characters smoke to relieve stress. All of the characters are in a stressful situation. Robert's wife just dies, The narrator doesn't feel comfortable with the blind man being there, and the wife has to deal with her husband being uncomfortable around her old friend. All of these characters smoke to relive their stressful situations.

6. The culture put a lot of time into building their cathedrals. The cathedrals had a lot of art and sophisticated designs. Obviously, the culture really loved God, and they built the Cathedrals for him.

7. The narrator had a hard time describing a cathedral, because he never paid any attention to them. When Robert helped the narrator draw a Cathedral with his eyes closed, he could see it better. I think the narrator could see the Cathedral better with his eyes closed, because he had to think more about it. When your not blind you can see everything, therefore you don't have to think about what it looks like.

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