Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What My Happiness Consist Of...?

     The question is, "What does my happiness consist of?" This is a very difficult question, because a lot of things make me happy and it would be hard to put all of that in one essay. In the process of answering this question, I thought of what things make me mad on a day to day basis. Then, I thought of everything that makes me smile. The truth is, my happiness consists of so much, but it always involves other people. For example, it makes me happy to see another person smile, to be loved by others, and also having fun with others. It just makes me feel good to know that I am not here alone. 

     When I see another person smile I automatically want to smile too. Especially when I know I put the smile on that persons face. If I go out of my way to do something special for a person and they smile, then I know I accomplished my goal at making them happy, which in result makes me happy. However, if I go out of my way for someone, and they don't smile, it can be a little upsetting. Smiling is an expression that shows that someone or something made you feel good. Regardless of who made that person smile, it is always good to know that someone is smiling. 

     Everybody wants to be loved. Whether its love from your grandma, your mom, your aunt, or even your boyfriend. It is still some type of affection showing that they care. When my parents are upset at me or yelling at me, it doesn't make me happy at all. It makes me feel more sad. Going through a breakup with a boyfriend can also feel sort of depressing. All of these things hurt, because you know that at one point they loved you, cared about you, or was not upset with you. Being loved is very important in this world. It helps people realize that there are people by their side every step of the way. 

     I think that it is healthy to have fun. If everything you do in life is boring, then your not living, your just existing. Having a good time with friends and family is what i live for and look forward to. Having no friends and no fun at all can be extremely depressing, which is unhealthy. I try to enjoy myself in everything I do, because having fun makes me happy. 

     Overall, people make me happy. If I was all alone in this world, you would never see me smiling and I would probably be depressed. Thank God I have friends and family to change that. Seeing my grandmother smile makes me happy. Someone telling me they love me makes me happy. Enjoying the time I spent with someone makes me happy. Every happiness I have involves someone else. So, to answer the question, my happiness consist of my interaction people. When I say my interaction with people, I mean how much I care for them, how much they care for me, and how we enjoy the time we spend together. 

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