Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Blogpost 27 - The Five Pillars of Islam

1. Why is the pronouncement of the shahada central to a Muslim’s identity and
practice of the Islamic faith? 
 The shahadah is central to the Muslim faith because it affirms the Muslim belief that there is only one God.
2. How does the practice of the salat both mentally and physically help Muslims to
live in obedience to the will of Allah?  
Mentally, they are submitting themselves to the will of God.  They are getting down and humbling themselves to Allah.  This is a commandment given to Muhammad so the Muslims are living in accordance to Allah, the right way in faith.
3. In what ways does the practice of zakat influence Muslims as a community of
faith? In other words, what does this practice say about the Muslim community
and its commitment to the poor and marginalized?
 This shows that Muslims care about the poor.  They do not want to be greedy, they want to distribute the wealth to the community.   They are practical and believe that those who have a lot should give to lose with little.   In this way, they are making a sacrifice to Allah. Just as he would want them too.
4. How does the practice of sawm both mentally and physically help a Muslim to
live in obedience to the will of Allah?  
Fasting gives Muslims the time to retreat from basic worldly desires and needs to focus only on Allah.  This teaches self-discipline and calls Muslims back to depend on Allah. They live like Allah has done, like days he didn’t eat.
5. Why do you think that the hajj is a pillar of the Islamic faith? How is this practice
similar and different from other world religions?  
 It is a pillar because it calls Muslims to focus solely on the worship of Allah or (God), the search for his forgiveness and help, and Taqwa.  It is where God revealed the Koran to Muhammad.  This is similar to Judaism, where Jews are called to visit Israel, the place which God had promised to Abraham.   Religions like Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism have nothing that resembles this special journey.     
6. What do you think are some of the challenges of practicing a life in relationship to
the Five Pillars? 
A huge challenge a Muslim would have to face is the praying 5 times a day. It must be hard to remember every time, or even having to stop everything just to pray.  I feel as though their under pressure from tradition.  I also feel like that some muslims do disobey some of these rules. They are human and they are not perfect. So they have to get tempted into doing something wrong.

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