Wednesday, November 28, 2012

She Went By Gently

1. A gift of Baptism is the ability to love others as God loves us. How is this ability seen in the woman's treatment of the girl?

     Regardless of what happened in the past, the the woman's character towards the girl shows her belief in God's love for us. The ability to love others as God loves us is a gift of Baptism. The lady cared for the girl as if she was her own child. This disturbed her husband, but it did not stop her from caring for the girl. The woman showed a sense of grace towards the girl.

2. At the end of the story the woman says in regard to the infant, "I saved him." What does she mean by that statement?

     When the woman says in regard to the infant, "I saved him." She means that she saved him spiritually in a religious sense. The woman baptized him in order to save him. She Baptized him to bring him back to God and his kingdom.

3. The author describes the journey of the woman to her own home. What is the purpose of this section of the story? What is he trying to convey about the woman through his descriptions?

     The journey of the woman to her own home was a comparison to her own life and how she witnessed Baptism again. By helping others she also witnessed  a sense of grace. THe part of the story when she witnessed darkness was like a comparison to original sin. Through everything she went through she never gave up on God and God never gave up on her.

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