Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What is knowledge?

Knowledge has steps. It starts with a proposal. Then we come up with a hypothesis. A hypothesis is an idea that we come up with about reality that we test. The goal of the hypothesis is to get to a conclusion. The conclusion is the answer. It is the actual knowledge of reality.

Knowledge is based on experience. It is the certainty of the thing we know. Knowledge leads to another question. That question is, "What does it mean to know something?".  A lot of people say that they know their name. The only reason we know our names is, because we were taught it by our parents or guardians. We believe our parents or guardians, because it is someone we trust. Knowledge is power. The power is the people we trust. Therefore, knowledge is based on who we trust. We go to school to learn and to get more knowledge. As students we trust teachers to teach us the right information.

The biggest challenege in life is that we think we know things. It is like foreigners in a country where we don't speak the language and people talk to us and we think that we understand them and we don't. We think we know things, but we only know what people tell us and teach us. But what if the people we trust are telling us lies. We never really know. Therefore it seems that we have no knowledge. I think that the definition of knowledge is something that you believe in and were not by someone else.

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