Monday, October 29, 2012

Distance Learning #1

1987- The preacher says, "If I Baptize you, you'll be able to go to the Kingdom of Christ. You'll be washed in the river of suffering, son, and you'll go by the deep river of life. Do you want that?" Harry got baptized and he was cleansed from his sins.

1988- Harry took part of Christ's Passion by dying in the river he was baptized in. He was searching for his kingdom.

1989- After Harry was baptized he no longer wanted to stay with his parents. He realized that his parents were a bad influence. So, he turned away from sin.

1990- That day that Harry went out with Ms. Connin he found out so much. He learned more about pigs, but most importantly he learned about Jesus Christ. He learned that the way his parents were living was the wrong way to live.

1991- After the preacher asked Harry if he was ready to be baptized, he though to himself, "Yes, I won't go back to the apartment then, I'll go under the river."He understood and accepted God's righteousness.

1992- When the preacher asked Harry if he was ready to be baptized, Harry made the decision of accepting God into his life. He didn't know what was coming, but he knew that it would be better than what was happening.

1993- "Justification establishes cooperation between God's grace and man's freedom...which invites him to conversion,". Harry had the choice to stay with his parents or to find peace in God. He came up with these two choices after his Baptism.

1994- "heaven and Earth will pass away but the salvation and justification of the elect... will not pass away." Even though Harry drowned and passed away, he will have everlasting life. His justification and salvation still exists.

1995- The Holy Spirit worked through Ms. Connin to get to Harry. The Holy Spirit reached his life, and Harry no longer wanted to live the life he was living.

1996- The day Ms. Connin came and "fixed" Harry was a favor from the Holy Spirit. It was the grace of God that saved Harry. Because of God's grace Harry lived eternal life with God.

1997- Harry participated in God's life, because of his baptism. The Holy Spirit breathed through him. In union with Jesus the son of God he became an adopted son.

1998- Without God, Harry would still be living with his crazy parents in his apartment. His parents were immature, and Harry needed a better figure in his life. By the grace of God, Harry got that figure.

1999- When Harry got Baptized he was a new person. Things started to make more sense to him He realized that he wanted to be forever with Jesus. The Holy Spirit helped him realize this.

2000- Harry and the Holy Spirit worked together to find the grace of God. If Harry did not correspond with the Holy Spirit, he would not have the same experience that he had.

2001- Ms. Connin helped prepare Harry for his baptism. This was also a form of God's grace.

2002- God gave each of us a free choice. Harry fell in love with God after his baptism and it was his choice to try and find his Kingdom.

2003- The baptism of Harry was a gift from God that Harry accepted. They worked together for Harry to find some peace.

2004- After his baptism, Harry had a responsibility. He was responsible in finding Christ. It was his choice to find Christ the way he did.

2005- God works in mysterious ways. Harry did not know that his baptism was by God's grace, but he had faith. He knew that he wouldn't find that at his home, so he decided to look for God where he found him.

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