Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Blogpost 27 - The Five Pillars of Islam

1. Why is the pronouncement of the shahada central to a Muslim’s identity and
practice of the Islamic faith? 
 The shahadah is central to the Muslim faith because it affirms the Muslim belief that there is only one God.
2. How does the practice of the salat both mentally and physically help Muslims to
live in obedience to the will of Allah?  
Mentally, they are submitting themselves to the will of God.  They are getting down and humbling themselves to Allah.  This is a commandment given to Muhammad so the Muslims are living in accordance to Allah, the right way in faith.
3. In what ways does the practice of zakat influence Muslims as a community of
faith? In other words, what does this practice say about the Muslim community
and its commitment to the poor and marginalized?
 This shows that Muslims care about the poor.  They do not want to be greedy, they want to distribute the wealth to the community.   They are practical and believe that those who have a lot should give to lose with little.   In this way, they are making a sacrifice to Allah. Just as he would want them too.
4. How does the practice of sawm both mentally and physically help a Muslim to
live in obedience to the will of Allah?  
Fasting gives Muslims the time to retreat from basic worldly desires and needs to focus only on Allah.  This teaches self-discipline and calls Muslims back to depend on Allah. They live like Allah has done, like days he didn’t eat.
5. Why do you think that the hajj is a pillar of the Islamic faith? How is this practice
similar and different from other world religions?  
 It is a pillar because it calls Muslims to focus solely on the worship of Allah or (God), the search for his forgiveness and help, and Taqwa.  It is where God revealed the Koran to Muhammad.  This is similar to Judaism, where Jews are called to visit Israel, the place which God had promised to Abraham.   Religions like Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism have nothing that resembles this special journey.     
6. What do you think are some of the challenges of practicing a life in relationship to
the Five Pillars? 
A huge challenge a Muslim would have to face is the praying 5 times a day. It must be hard to remember every time, or even having to stop everything just to pray.  I feel as though their under pressure from tradition.  I also feel like that some muslims do disobey some of these rules. They are human and they are not perfect. So they have to get tempted into doing something wrong.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Blog Post 26: 99 Names of God

The Sustainer – Masculine
            To me The Sustainer is a more masculine named used for God. I think this is a masculine name because, men are the ones that work hard to sustain their family. They are the ones that protect their family and make sure everything is okay. God does the same thing for each and every one of us. No matter what happens God always has our back. He is there for us when we are doing well and he is there for us when things are going bad. He is always there to take care of us, just as Men do for their families.  
The Vanquisher - Masculine
                To me the Vanquisher is masculine name for God, because men are the ones who fight. Men will fight for anything, but God is different. He has control over everything. He has the power to vanquish our problems. That is why I pray, not only to thank God and praise him, but also so that he can help me with my problems. I agree with this name, the Vanquisher, because there have been various times that I have called on God so that he can bless me by Vanquishing my problems.
 The Most Kind - Feminine
                To me the Most Kind is a more feminine name for God. I say this because, we view women as gentle and warm hearted. To me between Women and Men, women would be considered mre kind. But most of all God is the most kind. It is the perfect name for him, because it is true. He is so gentle with his creation. He truly cares for all of us. The Most Kind is a name for God, because he is the friend that is always there when you need him, he Is the one that doesn't make mistakes. God is truly the Most Kind.
The Responder – Feminine
           To me the Responder is a more feminine name for God. I say this because, mothers respond quickly to their families needs. When a baby cries, the mom is always there for whatever that baby needs. Just as mothers, God also responds quickly to all of our needs. He responds to prayers. God works in mysterious ways. He always answers our prayers, whether we notice them or not. He is always there to respond to our problems. The Responder is a perfect fit for God.  
The Sustainer, The Vanquisher, The Most Kind, and The Responder
  There are so many names that fit God, because God has so many different attributes. God is both masculine and feminine and uses both of those attributes at the perfect times. He is there to defend us when we need it and is also there just to hold us in his hands when we feel alone. God protects us and he also loves us. There are so many different things that God does for us and that is why he has so many different names. He truly has more than just 99 names. My favorites out of this list is the Sustainer, the Vanquisher, The most kind, and the Responder. God fits all of these in my life.  

Monday, April 22, 2013

Blog 24 - Islam Webquest

1.  What is the highest estimate for the total number of Muslims that live in the world today?
2.1 billion2. List 10 countries who have a Muslim population of 86% or greater. China, India, France, Germany, UK, USA, Argentina, Cuba, Brazil and Bolivia.
3. What country has the largest Muslim population? Indonesia
4. How many Muslims are there in the United States? 2,595,000

Task #2
1. Muslims believe in one true God alone.
2. Muslims believe in the existence of the angles whom worship God alone.
3. Muslims believe that God revealed books to His messengers as proof for mankind as guidance.
4.  Muslims believe in messengers of God.
5.  Muslims believe in the Day of Judgment when all people will be resurrected for God’s judgment according to their beliefs and deeds.
6. Muslims believe in Al-Qadar, which is Divine Predestination.

Put 3 of Muhammad's sayings in your own words:
1. "Whoever loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet him" in saying this Muhammad is pushing people to seek god because he welcomes everyone who looks for him
2. "There is a polish for everything that takes away rust; and the polish for the heart is the remembrance of All". This is like the golden rule in Catholicism. Love one another as God has loved you.
3. "Conduct yourself in this world as if you are he to stay forever, and yet prepare for eternity as if you are to die tomorrow". This quote means to balance out your life. Enjoy it while you have it now and live each moment to its best, but remember that everyone dies and you never know when that will happen.

Task #3
1. What does the Quran provide?
 The faith and practice of Muslim faith as well as all subjects concerning human beings, wisdom, doctrine, worship, transactions, law, and most important the relationship between God and his creatures
2. In what language does the Quran exist? Why?
 Only Arabic because any translation is never considered the Quran only a translation of the meaning.
3. During which month was the Quran sent down from heaven?
4. What did the angel Gabriel command Muhammad to do? What happened next?
He commanded Muhammad to read and then he taught Muhammad some verses from the Quran.

Task #4
1) list and explain the 5 pillars of faith:
A. Shahada (testimony of faith) must believe in the one true Allah no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger
B. Salat (prayer) must pray 5x a day facing Mecca in Arabic usually
C. Zakat (alms giving) must give to the poor
D. Sawm ( fasting) must fast during Ramadan from dawn to dusk which includes no sexual relations
E. Hajj (pilgrimage) must complete a pilgrimage to Mecca sometime in their lives
2. why are they important?
They are the obligations that every Muslim must satisfy in order to live a good and responsible life. Muslims must put faith into action and practice for life to have meaning. Following the pillars show that one is putting faith first.
3. Why is cheating on the 5 pillars impossible?
 They are a religious obligation and without them, life has no purpose.
4. Compare the 5 pillars with similar activities in other religions.
 Catholics fast and give alms during Lent

Task #5
1. What is Ramadan?
 A month of fasting on the 9th month of the Muslim colander.
2. What restraints are placed on Muslims during Ramadan?
 Cannot eat, drink, smoke, or have sex
3. What can destroy the good acquired during Ramadan?
Telling a lie, slander, denouncing someone behind his back, a false oath, and greed.
4. Why is the 27th day significant?
 Its when Muhammad revealed the Quran.
5. What happens when Ramadan ends?
 A 3 day celebration where lots of food is eaten and gifts are exchanged.
6. What are the 3 reasons why Ramadan is important?
 It is said to be the month when the Quran a sent from heaven. It's when Muslims concentrate on their faith.  Its when God determines the course of the world for the year
7. Why is it easier to do good during Ramadan?
The month has been blessed by Allah

Task #6
List five interesting facts you learned from the websites above.

1. Islam is not only a religion but a way of life.
2. Muslims believe that abortion is wrong.
3. Women must cover their bodies because they embrace modesty.
4. Not all Muslims are Arab.
5. Women must cover their hair from men who they could potentially marry.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Blog Post 22 - Ancient Religions of The West

1. They originated in Iran and Afghanistan and began to flourished through Iran during the Persian Empire.
2. They spread beyond their place of origin after Persia was conquered by Alexander the Great.
3. At about the age thirty he had a religious experience. The angel, Good Thought, came to him and brought him to a disembodied soul before the wise Lord. He saw the wise Lord as the only God and spread monotheism.
4. The sacred text is The Avesta and the oldest text is the Gathas written by Zarathustra.
5. Eternal and universal goodness, controls cosmos & destiny of human beings, creator
6. It is the belief in universal forces of good and evil.
7. It is an evil cosmic force who opposes Ahura Mazda
8. They have to choose between truth and Lie; beneficent spirit and hostile spirit
9. Resurrection and judgement of the dead; portrayals of heaven and hell
10. They are centered on agriculture
-caring for livestock and fields
-simple life
- tell the truth
- prayer, ritual
11. The Zoroastrians living in India today
12. Iliad and the Odyssey
13. They have human attributes. No deity has total knowledge
14. He celebrated Zeus's gat power and wisdom; his works show Zeus as the one who causes suffering
15. Sanctuary favored by a certain god who communicates to those who visit the site; Delphi is where Greeks want to seek the wisdom of the God Apollo
16. A. Individuals can choose to become initiates and went through a ritual
B. experienced a personal encounter with a deity
C. Gained spiritual renewal through participation in religion nod hope for a better afterlife
17. Eleusinian
18. God of fertility, vegetation and the vine; shown holding grapes an vines
19. Lead. Pure life through so the soul will escape the body and realize its divine nature
20. Knowledge is recollection because we have gained knowledge from previous lives
21. True reality consists of eternal and perfect forms or ideas; the bodily world is imperfect
22. Both are saviors; relationship between Christ and Christians is similar to that of Asclepius and his worshipers
23. Supernatural powers that were Roan equivalents of deities. They were thought to inhabit Roman homes, towns, and fields.
24. The most powerful Roman deity was Jupiter.
25.- Jupiter: sky lord
- Venus: goddess of hearth
- Mars: god of war
-Neptune: god of sea
-Mercury: god of traders
-Saturn: god of sowing
26. It endured the peace of the gods
27. Mithraism and Cult of Isis
28. Isis had a husband Osiris; he was killed by his brother and Isis searched for his body parts; mummified his body and he came back to life
29. Worship of the emperors guardian spirit which guarded welfare of the state
30. Roman worship contradicts the fact that the is only 1 god; seemed as if Christians were not supporting the state 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

What is Judaism?

1.The first function of a synangogue is to be a house of assembly that serves as a place where Jews can meet and greet. This function is important, because the Jews always have a place where they can come together. The second function of the synagogue is to be a place where the Jews can study. Usually, Jews study the Torrah or other books that relate to the Jewish tradition.The third function of the synangogue is to be a place for prayer and worship.
2. The layout of the synangogue varies at different places. They never look the same. The Ark is always decorated. The Ark always has a central piece that contains the Torah scrolls. In this piece there is a curtain called the parokhet that is designed to cover the center piece. The Torah scrolls are covered with cloth mantles that are decorated with an open bottom and a closed top. The Ten Commandments is a book with ten of the six hundred and thirty five laws.
3. A rabbi is a teacher in the jewish tradition. A Jew becomes a rabbi by practicing different ritualsb and learning the different laws of the Torah.  A rabbi is different from a cleregy man, because he teaches the different laws of the Torah instead of reflecting on them.
4. The Shabbat is the time period in which all Jews have a day of rest. The Shabbat occurs on Friday night at sundown.
5. The Torah is a book of Laws that the Jewsd follow. It is like their bible. The Talmud is the Torah orally spoken.
6. Orthodox is the highest branch of Judisim. Reform is a branch with teaching. Conservative is the branch with certain laws only. Zionist is a branch in which they call themselves Zionist.
7. Hebrew is the language of Jewish people.
8. Yiddish is the language of the Ashkenazic Jews.
9. Mazal Tov means Congratulations. Shalom is a greeting that usually means Hello, peace, or goodbye. Mitzvah means party.
10.  Brit Milah is when the people has just entered the branch of Judisim. Bar Mitzvah is a sweet 16 party which happens once the Jewish people have learned the Torah and the book of Law. Jewish Marriage is when they get married to another Jewish person.
11. Rosh Hoshanah is the holiday that celebrates the Head of the year. Yom Kippur is the most important holiday in which they refrain from work and fast and worship at the synagogue. Hanukah is the Jewish form of Christmas. Passover is a Jewish Holiday in which they pass over the houses and spare lives and put lamb blood on the door.
12. I knew that the synagogue was a place of worship.
13. I thought that the word Shalom is interesting, because they use it for hello and goodbye.
14. The Hanukah Holiday is very similar to my Christmas Holiday.
15. I think that studying in the church is different. I usually just go to church to praise God.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Buddhism questions

1. The name of the man who later became the Buddha was named Siddhartha Gautama.

2. The four passing sights that the Buddha experienced were an old man, a diseased man, a dead man, and an ascetic. These 4 passing sights played a role in Buddhism because they somewhat established Buddhism.
3. The Middle Way doctrine came from a guy tuning his guitar and he said if he does it too tight the strings will break and if he does it to loose it wont work so he said he needs to keep it in the Middle and that way everything will work.

4. Gautama gained enlightenment when he saw the four passing sights and realized that there is a world outside of his nice royal palace and he left the prince hood to live like others.

5. The Sangha is the common people that followed the Buddha and his teachings. It consisted of men and women from many different walks of life.

6. The 3 different jewels of Buddhism are Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha

7. The similar features with Buddhist cosmology and Hinduism is that Both believe in samsara, the wheel of rebirth, this make Buddhism and Hinduism both believe in a cyclical system.

8. The Buddha's reaction was disagreement, he didnt agree with the thought of just men participating in rituals.

9. The 3 Marks of Existence are Anatta, Anicca, Dukkha

10. Anatta is the doctrine that the same self is reborn. This relates to Hinduism's belief of Atman because both involve inner self

11. In Buddhist doctrine energy is transfered during rebirth. Karma affects the status one is reborn to.

12. Do not take life, do not take what is not given, do not engage in sensuous misconduct, do not use false speech, do not drink intoxicants. For monks and nuns: Do not eat after noon, do not watch dancing or shows, do not use garlands, do not use a high or soft bed, do not accept gold or silver.

13. Dukkha translates to suffering I think of it as a downfall or a person having to deal with things they dont normally are associated with.
14. Tanha is the second of the 4 noble truths.
15. The Eightfold Path is
right views
right intentions
right speech
right conduct
right livelihood
right efforts
right mindfulness
right meditation
16. The Buddha is different from from all others who have been enlightened because he became enlightened while still alive.
17. Arhat is translated as "worthy one" and it is a title used to describe the living enlightened. Arhats are compassionate.
18. Nirvana literally means enlightenment and this tells people that once they have reached nirvana they have completed everything and know all.
19. The three divisoons of Buddhism are Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana
20. The main focus of Theravada Buddhism is the teachings of the Buddha and his words.
21. Mahayana is translated to the Great Vehicle and this shows that this doctrine focuses on Buddhism as a whole.
22. Vajrayana fights fire with fire by giving the teachings back and going against what others say.
23. The Dalai Lama is the head of the hierarchy of Buddhism. Each Dalai Lama is chosen by people who search for his reincarnation.
24. Theravada- Sri Lanka, Mahayana- India, Vajrayana- China

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Introduction to Buddhism

Sidhartha Gautama was Buddha's original name. He was born into a rich family over two thousand years ago. As he was growing up he was very advantaged. Sidhartha realized that life included various struggles  The main struggles he recognized were old age, sickness, and death. He spent a long time trying to figure out why these harsh things happened. He had a huge question on the meaning of life. He left his family, his palace and all of his material things behind, while he tried to find the meaning of life. He became a wandering ascetic. The word Buddha means one who is awake. Buddha was never considered a God or someone to be worshiped. He was simply considered a enlightened human being. 
Three Jewels
The Three Jewels is also known as the Three Treasures. There is a yellow jewel, a blue jewel, and a red jewel. The yellow jewel is the Buddha. The blue Jewel is the Dharma, and the red Jewel is the Sangha. In order to be a Buddhist these jewels have to be the center principles of your life. 
Threefold way
The Threefold Way is another path to Buddhism. It includes ethics, meditation, and wisdom. Ethics is supposed to clear your conscience and meditation is supposed to clear the way for wisdom to develop. 
4 Noble Truths
The 4 noble truths are believed to be given by the Buddha. The first noble truth is the dukka. The second noble truth is the origin of the dukka. The third noble truth is the cessation of the dukka. The fourth noble truth is the path that leads to the cessation of the dukka. 
Noble Eightfold path. 
The noble Eightfold path is a further understanding of the threefold way. The first is the Right Understanding or Perfect Vision. The second is the Right Resolve or Perfect Emotion. The third is the Right Speech or Perfect Speech. The fourth is the Right Action or Perfect Action. The fifth is the Right Livelihood or Perfect Livelihood. The sixth is the Right Effort or Perfect Effort. The seventh is the Right Mindfulness or Perfect Awareness. The sixth is the ​Right Meditation or Perfect Samadhi.

Friday, January 25, 2013


1. Moksha is the Hindu term for liberation. It is the release of the self from the bondage of samsara; it's salvation in Hinduism and one of the four goals of life
2. The doctrine that says that reality is on is monism. The analogy that is used to understand it is with rivers ponds lakes and oceans.
3. Brahman is the essence of all things. Atman is the eternal self that is identified with Brahman in the Upanishads
4. The many deities serve to represent and extend from the one ultimate reality. The main function is to renounce the reincarnation.
5. Samsara is the wheel of reincarnation where rebirth occurs and keeps going until one reaches complete moksha
6. Bhagavad-Gita
7. Karma is the moral law and the cause and effect of actions and also determines how one is reincarnated. Dharma is the duty in each caste; one of the four goals of life.
8. Brahmin- priests
    Kshatriyas- warriors and government officials
    Vaishyas- producers like merchants, farmers
    Shudras- servants and laborers
9. It is part of his dharma as a Kshatriya
10. 1. Time of puberty
      2. Householder- pursuing a career and raising a family
      3. Birth of 1st grandchild
      4. Wandering Ascetic
11. Sensual pleasure- pursuit of love
      Material success- pursuit of artha or social prestige
      Harmony with dharma- to be fulfilled in ethical duties
      Bliss of moksha- perfect dharma or infinite being
12. -Path of Works- those who engage in day to day tasks of earning a living and raising a family
      -Path of knowledge- talent for philosophical reflection
      -Path of devotion- those whom emotional attachment comes naturally
13. -Vedanta- all reality is essentially Brahman
      -Sankhya- reality consists of matter and eternal selves
      -Yoga- free the eternal self from the bondage of personhood
14. Shiva, Vishnu and Brama
15. An incarnation of a deity sent to earth to accomplish a divine purpose. Two avatars are Krishna and Rama
16.  The Bhagavad-Gita
17. Household and village rituals, holy places, and cow veneration
18. He gained Indian independence from Britain and used civil disobedience against Indian oppression. He is revered to as a religious figure
19. Discrimination of castes were outlawed. It tried to promote economic and social rights for all people
20. The act of a widow killing herself and burning over her husband's dead body. This act is forbidden today
21. The Muslims forced the partitioning of India to form the divided Pakistan so that the Muslims may have a homeland. This turned into a bloody mess when crossing the borders on both sides

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Primal Religions Questions

1. Different religions are called to be primal, because they existed before the formal religions. Primal religions have all of the basic features that all the other religions have. They are traditionally for non-literate people and are used with small amounts of people.

2. The Ancestors made forms of life and created the first humans, placing them into tribes and giving them certain languages and rules.

3. The spiritual essence of Ancestors is found within symbols that they left after they were gone.

4. A totem can symbolize a group and gives special significance to the religious group or an individual. Taboo is the prohibition of behaviors for fear of contact with spiritual powers in a dangerous manner.

5. The Aborigines rituals are essential in life, because its only through certain rituals where dreaming can be seen.

6. Rituals come from the Ancestors that created and formed the world while dreaming. Each ritual is a display of a myth of certain actions that happened during dreaming

7. Initiation rituals awaken the youth to spiritual things and give more identity to the tribe.

8. Two acts that come along with Dieri initiation ritual death are the two lower middle teeth are knocked out of the mouth and later buried in the ground and then they are circumcised.

9. The Yoruba live in western regions of Africa.

10. The Yoruba religion believe in the center of life, because they believe that the god first began in order to create the world in life.

11. Yoruba cosmological view of the world shows life being separated into two different worlds which is known as heaven and earth. Humans come from the gods.

12. Olorun is the ultimate god of Yoruba religion and is the original place where all power comes from.

13. Orishas are lower than the supreme Olorun but they can harm and help people depending on how a ritual is seen. Orishas are seen as a facilitator between Olorun and humans.

14. An Orisha and Yoruba believed that he created the earth. Another is Ogun who is the god of war.

15. A trickster figure is a supernatural being who tends to disrupt the normal course set of life.

16. Family ancestors gained supernatural recognition by earning a good reputation and living to an old age. Ancestors were usually worshipped by their own family.

17. Ritual practitioners are to mediate between the gods and ancestors in heaven and humans on earth.

18. Divination is the use of techniques for gaining knowledge about ones future or about the problem. Divination is important because knowing ones future is used to know how to go on with life.

19. Humans came from North America 20,000 years ago by migration from Asia to the Bering Strait.

20. Religions of the Indians is interest with native people, because religion represents Native American religion.

21. Wakan Tanka is the name for reality and is another word for sacred.

22. Inktomi is a spider. The Lakota trickster figure taught first people customs and ways of life.

23. The Lakota people believed strongly that when one person would die, one of the four souls goes on a journey along the Milky Way. The soul is then judged and it tells whether it will be an ancestor or a ghost on earth.

24. The goal of a vision journey is for a human to get spiritual power to get hunting and warfare success.

25. A sweat lodge is a hut made of saplings and it represents the universe and the sweat gives purification.

26. Vision comes in the form of an animal, object, or a force nature. During these visions come a message which is told to a medicine man.

27. In the Blackfeet tribe, females would do the Sun Dance, but only if they had good moral character.

28. An axis mundi is a tree or mountain that can attach the heavens and the earth.

29. People who do the Sun Dance believe that their own bodies are the only thing that is true and they do body mutilation.

30. Aztec Traditions show the description of primal religion because they are high in a developed sense. The Aztecs like other religions have emphasize on relationships between rituals and myths.

31. The geographical area of Mesopotamia is made up of Mexico and extends to Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.

32. The Aztec god who made the world was Quetzalcoatl.

33. Quetzalcoatl is the god's earthly devoted one, who ruled as a priest-king. Questzalcoatl is important to Aztecs because they believed that he ruled over the golden age of Aztec brilliance.

34. The Aztecs called their time period Age of the Fifth Sun and they knew that their sun would soon be destroyed like the other prior.

35. The Aztecs understood the world as having four quadrants that led out from the center of the universe and it connected the earth worlds with the underworld.

36.  Aztecs regard to humans as a axis mundi, because the head and the heart are used as nourishment towards the sun and cosmos.

37. The "Knower of Things" could talk with the certain gods and made offerings through language which was another way of doing sacrifice.

38. The coincidence that led to the fall of Tenochtitlan was in 1519 when the Aztec king Quetzalcoatl was in need to return. The general of the Spanish came at the same time and the people thought he was a return of Quetzcoatl.

39. The day of the dead showed the surviving of Aztec religious culture because during the celebration the Aztecs would use time to perform similar rituals.

40. Three themes that are shared by the primal religions are boundaries with supernatural and human worlds, religion is encompassing, and primal religions are continuously changing.

Friday, January 18, 2013


Taboo- A custom prohibiting or restricting a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place, or thing.

Totem- A natural object or animal believed by a particular society to have spiritual significance and adopted by it as an emblem.

Trickster- A person who cheats or deceives people.

Vision quest - a rite of passage in some native american passages.

Divination-The practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means.

Pantheism-  A doctrine that identifies God with the universe, or regards the universe as a manifestation of God.

Polytheism- The belief in or worship of more than one god.

Monotheism- The doctrine or belief that there is only one God.

Revelation- something in which such a divine disclosure is contained, such as the Bible.

Transcendence- a state of being or existence above and beyond the limits of material experience.

Empathy- The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

Maya and Aztec Civilization

The Maya Civilization was located in Central America. Today Central America consist of Yucatan, Guatemala, Belize, and Southern Mexico.
The Maya believed that the Earth was flat and had four corners. Each corner had a color. The East was red, the North was white, the West was black, and the South was yellow. In the center of these corners was the color green. Some Maya believed that the sky was multi layered and that it was supported by the four gods of physical strength called the "Bacabs". While the other Maya believed that the sky was supported by four trees of different colors and species.

The main sacred symbol of the Maya were their hieroglyphics, which is their script. Hieroglyphics were carved into stone or bone. Sometimes they were painted on pottery. The hieroglyphics were on the topics of astronomy and religious views.
this is an example of Mayan hieroglyphics.

The Maya practiced human sacrifie. They believed that the cosmos had three major places. These places were the Earth, the underworld, and the heavens. These were considered the Maya sacred places. The Mayan gods had good and evil traits, but they were never permanent characteristics. All of the gods are changeable. Maya tradition is based on cycles not permanence.

The Maya had a variety of totems and they all represent something different. For example, the eagle totem represents a comtemplative thought. The Maya practice a sophisticated for of shamanism. The Shaman is healing by the blood of his arms and legs. A major taboo of the Maya was that marriage was arranged by the families.

The Aztec Civilization was located in Central Mexico. The Aztec Civilization is considered to be a horizon of a Mesoamerican civilization. Just as the Maya Cosmology, the Aztec believed that the cosmos had three major places the Earth, the underworld, and the heavens. After the death of an Aztec, their souls went to either the sun, the Mictlan, or the Tlalocan. Depending on how they died would determine where they would go.

The people of the Aztec Civilization use different methods to show their writings. Their mostr famous method was their ideograms. These ideograms were symbols that expressed what they were trying to say. The Aztec's most sacred sites were their temples. They were called Teocalli. They were sacred to them, because they were considered God houses.

There were less than 200 Aztec Gods. The Aztec Gods were divided into threee groups; they heaven; the rain, fertility abd agriculture; and the war and sacrifice. The Aztec used art to contribute to their Gods. Different forms of art was considered  praise to their gods.