Monday, April 22, 2013

Blog 24 - Islam Webquest

1.  What is the highest estimate for the total number of Muslims that live in the world today?
2.1 billion2. List 10 countries who have a Muslim population of 86% or greater. China, India, France, Germany, UK, USA, Argentina, Cuba, Brazil and Bolivia.
3. What country has the largest Muslim population? Indonesia
4. How many Muslims are there in the United States? 2,595,000

Task #2
1. Muslims believe in one true God alone.
2. Muslims believe in the existence of the angles whom worship God alone.
3. Muslims believe that God revealed books to His messengers as proof for mankind as guidance.
4.  Muslims believe in messengers of God.
5.  Muslims believe in the Day of Judgment when all people will be resurrected for God’s judgment according to their beliefs and deeds.
6. Muslims believe in Al-Qadar, which is Divine Predestination.

Put 3 of Muhammad's sayings in your own words:
1. "Whoever loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet him" in saying this Muhammad is pushing people to seek god because he welcomes everyone who looks for him
2. "There is a polish for everything that takes away rust; and the polish for the heart is the remembrance of All". This is like the golden rule in Catholicism. Love one another as God has loved you.
3. "Conduct yourself in this world as if you are he to stay forever, and yet prepare for eternity as if you are to die tomorrow". This quote means to balance out your life. Enjoy it while you have it now and live each moment to its best, but remember that everyone dies and you never know when that will happen.

Task #3
1. What does the Quran provide?
 The faith and practice of Muslim faith as well as all subjects concerning human beings, wisdom, doctrine, worship, transactions, law, and most important the relationship between God and his creatures
2. In what language does the Quran exist? Why?
 Only Arabic because any translation is never considered the Quran only a translation of the meaning.
3. During which month was the Quran sent down from heaven?
4. What did the angel Gabriel command Muhammad to do? What happened next?
He commanded Muhammad to read and then he taught Muhammad some verses from the Quran.

Task #4
1) list and explain the 5 pillars of faith:
A. Shahada (testimony of faith) must believe in the one true Allah no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger
B. Salat (prayer) must pray 5x a day facing Mecca in Arabic usually
C. Zakat (alms giving) must give to the poor
D. Sawm ( fasting) must fast during Ramadan from dawn to dusk which includes no sexual relations
E. Hajj (pilgrimage) must complete a pilgrimage to Mecca sometime in their lives
2. why are they important?
They are the obligations that every Muslim must satisfy in order to live a good and responsible life. Muslims must put faith into action and practice for life to have meaning. Following the pillars show that one is putting faith first.
3. Why is cheating on the 5 pillars impossible?
 They are a religious obligation and without them, life has no purpose.
4. Compare the 5 pillars with similar activities in other religions.
 Catholics fast and give alms during Lent

Task #5
1. What is Ramadan?
 A month of fasting on the 9th month of the Muslim colander.
2. What restraints are placed on Muslims during Ramadan?
 Cannot eat, drink, smoke, or have sex
3. What can destroy the good acquired during Ramadan?
Telling a lie, slander, denouncing someone behind his back, a false oath, and greed.
4. Why is the 27th day significant?
 Its when Muhammad revealed the Quran.
5. What happens when Ramadan ends?
 A 3 day celebration where lots of food is eaten and gifts are exchanged.
6. What are the 3 reasons why Ramadan is important?
 It is said to be the month when the Quran a sent from heaven. It's when Muslims concentrate on their faith.  Its when God determines the course of the world for the year
7. Why is it easier to do good during Ramadan?
The month has been blessed by Allah

Task #6
List five interesting facts you learned from the websites above.

1. Islam is not only a religion but a way of life.
2. Muslims believe that abortion is wrong.
3. Women must cover their bodies because they embrace modesty.
4. Not all Muslims are Arab.
5. Women must cover their hair from men who they could potentially marry.

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