Friday, January 25, 2013


1. Moksha is the Hindu term for liberation. It is the release of the self from the bondage of samsara; it's salvation in Hinduism and one of the four goals of life
2. The doctrine that says that reality is on is monism. The analogy that is used to understand it is with rivers ponds lakes and oceans.
3. Brahman is the essence of all things. Atman is the eternal self that is identified with Brahman in the Upanishads
4. The many deities serve to represent and extend from the one ultimate reality. The main function is to renounce the reincarnation.
5. Samsara is the wheel of reincarnation where rebirth occurs and keeps going until one reaches complete moksha
6. Bhagavad-Gita
7. Karma is the moral law and the cause and effect of actions and also determines how one is reincarnated. Dharma is the duty in each caste; one of the four goals of life.
8. Brahmin- priests
    Kshatriyas- warriors and government officials
    Vaishyas- producers like merchants, farmers
    Shudras- servants and laborers
9. It is part of his dharma as a Kshatriya
10. 1. Time of puberty
      2. Householder- pursuing a career and raising a family
      3. Birth of 1st grandchild
      4. Wandering Ascetic
11. Sensual pleasure- pursuit of love
      Material success- pursuit of artha or social prestige
      Harmony with dharma- to be fulfilled in ethical duties
      Bliss of moksha- perfect dharma or infinite being
12. -Path of Works- those who engage in day to day tasks of earning a living and raising a family
      -Path of knowledge- talent for philosophical reflection
      -Path of devotion- those whom emotional attachment comes naturally
13. -Vedanta- all reality is essentially Brahman
      -Sankhya- reality consists of matter and eternal selves
      -Yoga- free the eternal self from the bondage of personhood
14. Shiva, Vishnu and Brama
15. An incarnation of a deity sent to earth to accomplish a divine purpose. Two avatars are Krishna and Rama
16.  The Bhagavad-Gita
17. Household and village rituals, holy places, and cow veneration
18. He gained Indian independence from Britain and used civil disobedience against Indian oppression. He is revered to as a religious figure
19. Discrimination of castes were outlawed. It tried to promote economic and social rights for all people
20. The act of a widow killing herself and burning over her husband's dead body. This act is forbidden today
21. The Muslims forced the partitioning of India to form the divided Pakistan so that the Muslims may have a homeland. This turned into a bloody mess when crossing the borders on both sides

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