Sunday, March 17, 2013

Blog Post 22 - Ancient Religions of The West

1. They originated in Iran and Afghanistan and began to flourished through Iran during the Persian Empire.
2. They spread beyond their place of origin after Persia was conquered by Alexander the Great.
3. At about the age thirty he had a religious experience. The angel, Good Thought, came to him and brought him to a disembodied soul before the wise Lord. He saw the wise Lord as the only God and spread monotheism.
4. The sacred text is The Avesta and the oldest text is the Gathas written by Zarathustra.
5. Eternal and universal goodness, controls cosmos & destiny of human beings, creator
6. It is the belief in universal forces of good and evil.
7. It is an evil cosmic force who opposes Ahura Mazda
8. They have to choose between truth and Lie; beneficent spirit and hostile spirit
9. Resurrection and judgement of the dead; portrayals of heaven and hell
10. They are centered on agriculture
-caring for livestock and fields
-simple life
- tell the truth
- prayer, ritual
11. The Zoroastrians living in India today
12. Iliad and the Odyssey
13. They have human attributes. No deity has total knowledge
14. He celebrated Zeus's gat power and wisdom; his works show Zeus as the one who causes suffering
15. Sanctuary favored by a certain god who communicates to those who visit the site; Delphi is where Greeks want to seek the wisdom of the God Apollo
16. A. Individuals can choose to become initiates and went through a ritual
B. experienced a personal encounter with a deity
C. Gained spiritual renewal through participation in religion nod hope for a better afterlife
17. Eleusinian
18. God of fertility, vegetation and the vine; shown holding grapes an vines
19. Lead. Pure life through so the soul will escape the body and realize its divine nature
20. Knowledge is recollection because we have gained knowledge from previous lives
21. True reality consists of eternal and perfect forms or ideas; the bodily world is imperfect
22. Both are saviors; relationship between Christ and Christians is similar to that of Asclepius and his worshipers
23. Supernatural powers that were Roan equivalents of deities. They were thought to inhabit Roman homes, towns, and fields.
24. The most powerful Roman deity was Jupiter.
25.- Jupiter: sky lord
- Venus: goddess of hearth
- Mars: god of war
-Neptune: god of sea
-Mercury: god of traders
-Saturn: god of sowing
26. It endured the peace of the gods
27. Mithraism and Cult of Isis
28. Isis had a husband Osiris; he was killed by his brother and Isis searched for his body parts; mummified his body and he came back to life
29. Worship of the emperors guardian spirit which guarded welfare of the state
30. Roman worship contradicts the fact that the is only 1 god; seemed as if Christians were not supporting the state 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

What is Judaism?

1.The first function of a synangogue is to be a house of assembly that serves as a place where Jews can meet and greet. This function is important, because the Jews always have a place where they can come together. The second function of the synagogue is to be a place where the Jews can study. Usually, Jews study the Torrah or other books that relate to the Jewish tradition.The third function of the synangogue is to be a place for prayer and worship.
2. The layout of the synangogue varies at different places. They never look the same. The Ark is always decorated. The Ark always has a central piece that contains the Torah scrolls. In this piece there is a curtain called the parokhet that is designed to cover the center piece. The Torah scrolls are covered with cloth mantles that are decorated with an open bottom and a closed top. The Ten Commandments is a book with ten of the six hundred and thirty five laws.
3. A rabbi is a teacher in the jewish tradition. A Jew becomes a rabbi by practicing different ritualsb and learning the different laws of the Torah.  A rabbi is different from a cleregy man, because he teaches the different laws of the Torah instead of reflecting on them.
4. The Shabbat is the time period in which all Jews have a day of rest. The Shabbat occurs on Friday night at sundown.
5. The Torah is a book of Laws that the Jewsd follow. It is like their bible. The Talmud is the Torah orally spoken.
6. Orthodox is the highest branch of Judisim. Reform is a branch with teaching. Conservative is the branch with certain laws only. Zionist is a branch in which they call themselves Zionist.
7. Hebrew is the language of Jewish people.
8. Yiddish is the language of the Ashkenazic Jews.
9. Mazal Tov means Congratulations. Shalom is a greeting that usually means Hello, peace, or goodbye. Mitzvah means party.
10.  Brit Milah is when the people has just entered the branch of Judisim. Bar Mitzvah is a sweet 16 party which happens once the Jewish people have learned the Torah and the book of Law. Jewish Marriage is when they get married to another Jewish person.
11. Rosh Hoshanah is the holiday that celebrates the Head of the year. Yom Kippur is the most important holiday in which they refrain from work and fast and worship at the synagogue. Hanukah is the Jewish form of Christmas. Passover is a Jewish Holiday in which they pass over the houses and spare lives and put lamb blood on the door.
12. I knew that the synagogue was a place of worship.
13. I thought that the word Shalom is interesting, because they use it for hello and goodbye.
14. The Hanukah Holiday is very similar to my Christmas Holiday.
15. I think that studying in the church is different. I usually just go to church to praise God.